This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 06-16-2008
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niknnik niknnik is offline
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Is it the sam date for the UK?
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Old 06-17-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Shit, you really ripped that guy a new one, well kinda, i mean it's over the internet so it's not like you can actually get to him......... but otherwise, wow im impressed. On a side note, i think it's funny when people, over the internet, tell other people that they are going to kick someone else's ass, or when they start cursing at each other. Mostly because people tend not to realize how utterly pointless it is. This is in reference to some guys i was playing with on gears of war. Well, one was a guy, the other was a prepubesent 10 year old kid from england, calling everyone a stupid bitch, but pronouncing it Stuepid Biche. I digress, im excited for breaking dawn, i already preordered it, and i get my drivers liscense the day before, too so the beggining of august is going to be awsome!
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Old 06-17-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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I have no idea. Probably not, sadly. *sighs*

But you can look around on her website and see for yourself if you can find the UK release date...

And, PuJw: I'm glad you were impressed. I just, well, love to argue. And I consider myself good at it. Though I also agree that over the internet it is pretty pointless...
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Old 06-17-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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i love the series and cant wait for the next book, but it annoyed the crap out of me how she loved jacob too. I hate jacob personally, he needs to die in a hole.
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Old 06-17-2008
GOODKyle GOODKyle is offline
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lol My girlfriend got me into this series. Got to say it is a really great series
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Old 06-17-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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I think he's a good friend for Bella, even though I don't like him much, either. (*Edward fangirl*) But Jacob's like a puppy and all full of energy. He's someone she can have fun with. Edward isn't like that. It's all serious with him. But Bella needs a relationship like that, thanks to her mom... She needs someone who can be there for her. I don't think Jacob can do that.
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Old 06-18-2008
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Jacob is a bit of a dick, yes... He was so cool before he turned all werewolf-y. He basically broke Bella's heart, when he acted like a jerk, even if she didn't love him as much as Edward.
I think Jacob could be there for her, if it wasn't for Edward. Edward doesn't hate Jacob as much as Jacob hates him. But Jacob hates the fact that Bella's with Edward. It's dumb, even if she does "stink" of vampires.
I feel sorry for Bella. What are you supposed to do when your best friend and the love of your life are mortal enemies? XD
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Old 06-18-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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Um, you get a phone with a call-any-five-people for free plan, and call your best friend every day?
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Old 06-18-2008
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XD oh yeah sorry. I'm a bit hazy and I can't refer back to my books, because they're... being borrowed.. >.>
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Old 06-18-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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yeah, i think it was wrong of him to push Bella the way he did, i think it only broke her heart more knowing she was in love. ignorance is bliss. I dont think he was a great friend to Bella because of his hatred towards Edward. If he was seriously a good friend he should be happy seeing her with someone who makes HER happy (not him) and loves a ton. Although i do feel a little bad because as soon as Edward came back, she kinda dumped Jacob... Jacob seems to immature for Bella also, he is a little too childish unlike Edward who can really take care of Bella. Read a leak of the 1st chapter on the internet and it says that Seth Clearwater and Edward are friends and he is in fact coming to their wedding which proves that mortal enemies can be friends.
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Old 06-19-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Yeah the only problem with that is jacob and edward or mortal enemies for more than just the Vampire-Werewolf thing, i dont think i could be friends with a guy who was constantly trying to steal my fiance
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Old 06-19-2008
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Good point, actually.
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Old 06-19-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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Haha yeah, good point but again with the point that Jacob isn't a great friend to Bella, he should learn to let go and just be friends because if he really loved her he would have backed off long ago.
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Old 06-20-2008
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And that's why Edward hates him, other than the whole werewolf thing...
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Old 06-20-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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Anyway, today is Edward's birthday! He's... 107... today? Something like that, right?
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Old 06-21-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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well he was born in 1901 so yes, that would make him 107 today

I would hate Jacob too though if I were him. I'm so biased though its not even funny <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>
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Old 06-21-2008
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Old 06-22-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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lol no offense, but i think it's funny that you would know something like that. I know, fan girl, but it's still amusing <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>
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Old 06-23-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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It's called Wikipedia. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'> I was bored in school one day, so I looked up the Edward Cullen page.

You know, Edward Cullen was also the name of a bishop...
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Old 06-23-2008
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There's and Edward Cullen page! <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley3.png'>
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Old 06-25-2008
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iamalloutoftea iamalloutoftea is offline
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This series annoys me, it's not all that good. The first one is like 'lalalalala edward is a vampire, oh no fifty pages to go better introduce something that vaguely resembles a plot now.' and the rest of them follow that path. Seems to me that Stephanie Meyer wrote it to appeal to the hormones of teenage girls rather than to be an actually good book. i just don't see how they can be worth this much obsession, at my school every second conversation is about it. It is SO annoying.
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Old 06-25-2008
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Of course it was supposed to appeal to teenage girls, that's why there aren't as many chase scenes.
If you read it closely, There are clues as to what's supposed to happen through the start of the book. Like out of ecliipse, the headline about murders in Seattle? Please tell me you got that it's going to lead to something..
But there has to be the romance, and how Bella feels about Edward and the confusion and stuff, otherwise it would just be pretty crap, and it would be some girl being chased by a vampire for the whole book, who just happens to love one as well. If the whole story of each book was Bella running away from a vampire, it wouldn't be that good, espacially to the target audience.
And it doesn't vaguely resemble a plot, it's a very good plot and a very good adventure, it's just that it's towards the end.
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Old 06-25-2008
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And as you know, that's all of what I've been saying since I got here.
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Old 06-26-2008
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Yeah, I know, I seem to have absorbed that from you.
I didn't get it's target audience entirely until I came on here, and you set it straight <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>
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Old 06-26-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Im pretty excited for breaking dawn to come out, the only thing is, judging by the title, i dont think many fun things are going to occur. Just because, in the past titles, Edward has always been represented by the moon, and when dawn breaks, the moon leaves. Anyone have any thoughts?

on a side note, i found a pretty fun game called bitefight, it's kinda a war between werewolves and vampires, it has no graphics but it's pretty fun if u use ur imagination, if youve ever played the game kings of khaos, it's kinda like that. Anyway, if u want to play it's at, and where it has the who bit you part, plz type Draekereal, or go to im pretty sure i get some kind of bonus. Unless of course you wich to be a werewolf, cause if u type my name, ur automatically a Vamp
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Old 07-08-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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Actually, where I live at least, you can still see the moon in the daytime. But that is a good point. Maybe it has something to do with her Edward-Jacob conflict? I don't know...

And perhaps we shouldn't discuss Breaking Dawn until after it comes out. I mean, so no one blames us for spoiling it or anything. (I was just on her webstie - take a look for yourself.)

But I will say that there's going to be a party at my local bookstore, and I am so going! And I'm going to wear my Offical I Love Edward Cullen Fanclub t-shirt!
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Old 07-09-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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The bitefight thing sounded cool so i joined <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>

God I'm practically dying with anticipation over Breaking Dawn... I really want to know what Bella's power will be because I am almost completely sure she will have one... any thoughts?
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Old 07-09-2008
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[ She's immune to other mind powers, we know that from Eclipse. ]
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Old 07-09-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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Well, seeing as how the powers are based on the most powerful trait of the person...

[ In my opinion, Bella's power is going to be 1. super-clumsiness - despite that vampires are graceful - or 2. danger-magnet. She'll either be the universe's clumsiest vampire or the universe's most-likely-to-get-crushed-by-a-falling-tree or mauled-by-werewolves vampire. Hey, I mean, if Rosalie's power if her beauty (or bitchiness), then Bella's could be one of those. It would definitely be in keeping with the lame powers/powerful trait thing. But then again, Bella is special, as she is the main character and the only human in Twilight history who wants to be a vampire. So maybe her power will be that she is immune to every vampire power... as right now, she's immune to most. Or maybe her power will be that she has an insane thirst for werewolf blood. Or maybe... something to do with Edward? Sorry, now I'm just throwing out theories like I do caption contest entries... ]

Wow... that was long.

I'm nearly dying, too. Is anyone else going to a release party somewhere?
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Old 07-10-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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About her power
[ Yes, she has immunity which is a big advantage, but is that her only power? doesn't she get anything cool like knowing when Edward needs help or something? But that's kind of like the werewolves pack mind... It seems all the sweet powers have been taken lol. those are interesting ideas KuramaStrassCullen, but now you've gotten me wondering, will her clumsiness be cured? Overall Bella is the main character so that makes me assume Stephanie Meyer will whip out some sort of cool superpower she stored away for Bella... Or at least I'm hoping! ]
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