This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 07-23-2007
Mozeta Mozeta is offline
Posts: 39

Okay, I didn't exactly get in trouble, but it was funny...ish.

So earlier this year (about the times episode 19 came out), we watched "A Walk to Remember" in one of my classes. Do not ask me why, I do not know. Something about leadership and making a difference.

So it's near the end of the movie (spoilers, if you haven't seen the movie, but want to...) they get married, and then whatshername dies. Being VERY recently after I watched episode 19, I IMMEDIATELY think of Pegasus getting married, and his wife exploding xD. So what do most people do when they think of funny abridged quotes? CRACK UP!

While everyone else is watching the movie, listening to what whatshisname is saying about life or something (I wasn't listening), I am cracking up, because a girl died.
Being stared at is fun... when no one has any clue why you're laughing... okay it's not fun.
Fun times.
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Old 07-23-2007
GirlyJames GirlyJames is offline
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Yeah. I had a similar expreiance renctly when watching the latest Harry Potter movie, about the time Voldemort is pocessing Harry. I started laughing really loud int he theatre and these people glared at me.
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Old 07-23-2007
Mischief Mischief is offline
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That happened to me too! Sorta. We were watching Saving Private Ryan in history class and at the beginning when the guy has his helmet on and he gets shot in the head and then he's like, "Zomgz. I'm still alive." And then he got shot. I started laughing and everyone just looked at me and I was sitting there like, "Schadenfreude :D"
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Old 07-24-2007
Jilk Jilk is offline
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My calculus teacher wrote me up for screaming dildo in class...
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Old 07-24-2007
NoName NoName is offline
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Heh, I got banned from a site for posting episode 21 (or was it 20?) the one with Duke.

Which is weird because they say that site is PG-13 rated, and so its the abridged series, or rather that episode. The worst thing that was said was, "ass". "OMG!! A CARTOON GUY SAID ASS AND SHE POSTED IT!!! BAN! BAN!!!"

Its pretty funny when you think about it, because now they're just getting laughed at for having sticks up their asses. XD
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Old 07-24-2007
SjoerdWillem SjoerdWillem is offline
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My iPod was confisqated (which the school isn't aloud to do in my oppinion), then they were whining and kept saying: But it's the rules!, so I -and probably everyone else who watches the Series- sed: ''Screw the Rules, I Have Money''!, and the principal looked at me like I just drowned a puppie xD
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Old 07-24-2007
Mozeta Mozeta is offline
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You are my idol

I think it's actually 22.
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Old 07-24-2007
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ZorcAndPals ZorcAndPals is offline
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I had a similar moment (kinda) saying in America a lot almost banned me from a tournament
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Old 07-24-2007
GirlyJames GirlyJames is offline
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That's Brilliant!
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Old 07-24-2007
ElvenEmma ElvenEmma is offline
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I often have the tendency to laugh at inappropriate moments, the worst was me being at a funeral (for my dads uncle or something, someone i didn't know so wasn't too upset over) and as i sat there with people crying around me, i fought myself to stop laughing because all i could think of was the father ted episode where dougal does a funeral and there's a car on fire in the background. Anyone else seen it?
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Old 07-24-2007
angelinalolita angelinalolita is offline
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Hehe, these are great stories. XD
I have yet to get in trouble for using the quotes in school, mostly because I got into the series during summer break.
I think I'll use that "Screw the rules, I have money!" bit whenever I get my own iPod confiscated. XD
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Old 07-24-2007
BigKuriboh BigKuriboh is offline
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i almost got perm excluded

you know when yugi says : is everyone from england a total spaz bakura? (i hink he said england)

i said to my german teacher after she made a mistake: is everyone from germany a total spaz miss?

and she was like : omg go to headteacher

and nobody exept me laughed because they hadnt seen the series :D
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Old 07-24-2007
Gamefreak Gamefreak is offline
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I was teaching my sister to drive (seriously) and I told her to stop. She wouldn't stop and I said apply the hand brake you dumb broad! My parents were in the back seat and they were just staring at me.
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Old 07-24-2007
elvesratakingme elvesratakingme is offline
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Serious LOL at the above story. X3

This actually happened last night. I was in bed, trying to go to sleep and my cousin was on the floor next to me, reading some manga. Everything's quiet, everyone's settled down. I suddenly thought of some funny part of TAS and burst out laughing. I scared the bejeebus out of my cousin. X3
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Old 07-24-2007
DrunkenPrayer DrunkenPrayer is offline
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I'm dreading this happening one day soon, probably when a bouncer asks me for ID or something. When I was still in school my mate and I got in trouble tons of times quoting Airplane! and Hot Shots, probably the worst was the verbal beatdown we got for the "I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue/smoking crack." quote. Funnily enough not the right thing to say a bit too loudly at an anti drugs presentation, then again we never were ones to think before we talked.
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Old 07-24-2007
Pharaohsis Pharaohsis is offline
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Love the Stories! <3
I have one when I was in Choir. Yeah, we were singing some dull french song [personally I don't think we weren't singing french], and I have an ankle problem [we were standing up the whole class]! So I asked if I could sit down, and she said NO. Then someone yelled "Tell her: SCREW THE RULES, CUZ YOU HAVE MONEY!!" Everyone looked at the person, and I thought 'wow I'm not the only one here that watches YGOTAS!"
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Old 07-24-2007
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MizuTakishima MizuTakishima is offline
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Wow, this stories are hilarious xD My favorite so far is the "Screw the rules I have money!" with the ipod, and the whole choir thing.

I enjoyed the first post too, of course. =3

I don't have any stories to share though, since I don't really get in trouble << >> Though I think I thought of something funny from TAS when I was trying to take a test or listen to the teacher, so I had to hold back any laughter. ^^'
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Old 07-24-2007
letsgomonday letsgomonday is offline
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Sometimes if I have a friend over and they are heading out the door, I'll say "Leaving so soon?" and then throw something at them. Then I'll say, "I...I didn't want you to leave. And I wasn't sure how else to get your attention."
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Old 07-24-2007
Mozeta Mozeta is offline
Posts: 39

I wish someone would randomly do that in one of my classes.
If I wasn't so shy I might bring something up about it myself, but since I am, I guess I'll never know if anyone else watches it.

@The post above

@everyone else
Wow, awesome stories.
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Old 07-25-2007
droade droade is offline
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If it helps, I once yelled "attention duelists, my hair looks dang good in a dress" this one time at church. lol. I love the look on people's faces when they don't get it. Especially something that could be taken so wrong...(yet feels sooo right.)
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Old 07-25-2007
CrazyCheese CrazyCheese is offline
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Almost everytime one of my teachers asks me to turn in an assignment, it's all i can do to hold back "Only if you beg me!"
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Old 08-04-2007
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once in computer class i said "Hooray for cyberterrorism" and everyone looked at me funny....
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Old 08-04-2007
Nasuada Nasuada is offline
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Oh these are great...But tsk's Icon Made me Remember once a work, I got a really rude costumer who gave me hell For taking too long to get her Coffee..She called me a stupid my reply was " Bitch I'll scratch your Eyes out!! "....Yeah she flipped out, threatening to send me to the boss and everything...Pheh Its not like they'd Fire me ^-^ they love me just that much ( Or just don't feel like hiring and training people) But Hey shouldn't be so Rude....

I also pulled the "Is everyone from England a total spaz" One to my brother in law...who is from which he replied "Pretty much" and I about fell over laughing ....he'd never seen TAS before...But answered it perfectly...XD
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Old 08-05-2007
flashstorm flashstorm is offline
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Well, it was close for me.My teacher was talking to me about something stupid, and went to touch my sholder. Now, I backed away, and said "Sorry, but I don't like being touched by..." and stopped myself from finishing with "people who don't have money." If it wasnt such a serious situation, I would have probably started laughing like mad.
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Old 08-05-2007
cartman cartman is offline
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I'm really not suprised if everyone had a thought of a scene from the abridged at some point, either from someone talking to an old man with wierd hair (Don't ask) or someone crying, Heck I laugh at someone almost dying in a fire and saying the words, "I am the worst anime character ever!"
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Old 08-05-2007
Nyeh Nyeh is offline
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Okay my friend has this Atemu doll thingy adn she asked me to baby-sit it. Well I gota little attached to it and I had to give it back to her, I wouldn't let her have it so she grabbed it from me and I yelled out "Stop groping my yugi-muffin!'. Yeah.

I gave my dog the nickname Zorc (cuz she's big and black and bent on destroying my house ^^). And i held up her ears and sang the Zorc and Pals theme song. My bro was watching me. Joy.
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Old 08-05-2007
Hikari2Yami's Avatar
Hikari2Yami Hikari2Yami is offline
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My friend and I were in the same Science class, and we both love TAS. So, what happened was, one day, my teacher was just going, "Nik, Kat, you REALLY REALLY need to start handing in assignments, it's the rules-"

Both of us at the same time: SCREW THE RULES WE HAVE MONEY!

We had a whole bunch of TAS geeks in my Science class, and they all died laughing, so the teacher decided to ask where we got the reference from instead of us getting into trouble. But, she was cool, and one of the people with an iPod Video in the class ended up showing the first episode to her. She died laughing even though she had never watched YGO.
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Old 08-05-2007
1920sSuperhero 1920sSuperhero is offline
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Well, I've never really gotten in trouble. But people definately think I'm crazy.

(We're listening to the Bay City Rollers)

Me: So, When were they popular?
Mom: In America?
Me: ...

And then I laughed for like ten minutes. She didn't get it.
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Old 08-06-2007
Bafa55 Bafa55 is offline
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Like the above person, I have never really goten into trouble. One time I introduced my cousin to TAS, and the whole "children's card game" running gag was the thing that most made him laugh, so each time we felt like dueling we said "Who wants to play a children's card game"?

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Old 08-07-2007
inamericaxtsuki inamericaxtsuki is offline
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We were going to Wal-Mart one day...and we stopped at King's to eat. So I couldn't stop saying "In America!" and my dad's like "If you say that one more time, we won't go to Wal-Mart!" And I'm like "NOOOOO!! T_T" Cuz I love Wal-Mart XDD America
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