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Old 12-02-2009
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....It's Meyer, not Meyar, or Mayer
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Old 12-02-2009
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I think what bugs me most about Meyers version of a vampire is that she changed so much it is near unrecognisable in comparison to all other versions. And yet her werewolfs, pretty much bang on.
Even with added pack mentality which is something we've not seen before but actually makes sense and that odd imprinting thing that is just plain strange they are still very much recognisable as werewolves.
It's like, the harder she tried to make something special the worse Meyer made it.
If it had been a love story between a Human and a typical vampire where the girl had been "Love you but like fuck am I letting you near my neck" and the vamp is like "I love her but I want to eat her gah" It could have been a story of forbidden love that fell flat because he would inevitably kill her plus, ya know, the whole burning in the day light thing. And prolly would have been a much better story.
Instead we get safety vamps, safety flirting and the dullest female lead this side of Trinity.
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Old 12-02-2009
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yer, I agree with this, but at same time a lot of modern vampire stories do that storyline of forbidden-love, like Annra Blake....etc, why not fan of them, all too similar (I would prefer to keep love out of it all together)

-I mean, her vampires suck in my opinion, but so do most modern vampires and lest she tried to make it her own, even if failed badly

-As for Bella, well she is just annoying because of way, she seems to be pro-feminism and sexism at same time????
=Maybe, because I didn't get enough, into the storyline, I got this wrong, however seems like she is really stupid, weak and always in need, while trying to be hero??????

Last edited by Fat1Fared; 12-02-2009 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 12-02-2009
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Originally Posted by Fat1Fared View Post

-As for Bella, well she is just annoying because of way, she seems to be pro-feminism and sexism at same time????
=Maybe, because I didn't get enough, into the storyline, I got this wrong, however seems like she is really stupid, weak and always in need, while trying to be hero??????
Let me just show what The Spoony One had to say about Bella.

Originally Posted by The Spoony One
And ANOTHER thing… You know, the more I think about Bella, the more shocked and appalled I am at her behavior. Throughout the movies she displays a neediness and selfishness that verges on sociopathic, almost as if she can’t even begin to comprehend the feelings of others as she leaves misery and broken hearts in her wake– and not just of her potential paramours. Think about her father, Charlie, and all the melodrama he has to put up with. She regularly comes home battered, bruised, and beaten, but answers his honest concerns only with lies. She disappears into the woods, collapses from exhaustion and exposure, causing him to mobilize a town-wide search for her fucking dead body, and returns with absolutely no explanation. Then she drops everything to flee to Italy for an indeterminate amount of time, and even the vampire Alice voices more concern for Charlie’s feelings than Bella does. Her hopeless, helpless, woe-is-fucking-me attitude veers beyond mere misogyny and becomes truly grotesque.

Think about her friends and her mother, whose lives would be devastated if her suicidal thrill-seeking ended her life. Does she care? No, because she can’t see beyond her own needs, acting for months like a petulant child denied her favorite toy. When it becomes clear that becoming a vampire would call off the truce between the Cullens and the werewolves, does Bella care that her incessant demands to become a vampire would therefore put the Cullens (who she claims to care about) in constant, mortal danger? No. Does she care that people are dying, being torn apart by wolves, sucked dry by vengeful vampires, all because she doesn’t have the good sense to get away from undead monsters? No. Does she care that her dad, who dotes on her constantly (only God knows why) has to clean up after these bodies? No. Does she even spare a moment to consider Edward’s feelings against turning her into a monster like him? No.

In fact, her desire to become a vampire is completely selfish as well. She’s worried about getting old, fat, and wrinkly like everyone else, and damn it, that’s not fair! Why should Edward stay young and dreamy for all eternity, and not ME? ME, ME, ME! Even once Edward has gone, I don’t think her pissy mood has as much to do with being alone as hating the thought that Edward could possibly be happy without her.

Anyone who relates to this girl is incredibly disturbed and needs some serious mental help. Anyone who’s ever been in love has perhaps wrestled with the same feelings, the same neediness that Bella experiences in these movies, but good lord, it’s a high school crush. We got over it. We moved on. Sure, that first love and that first loss were hell, but we got a fucking grip on our lives and moved on. You should never have to beg for love, and if you do, it ain’t love.
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Old 12-02-2009
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Flame over.

Seriously, a little creepy, the things she thinks are sexy. Undead, werewolves, undead werewolves...

Verrrrrrry creepy.
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Old 12-02-2009
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I enjoyed the Spoony One's post
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Old 12-02-2009
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As an addition to my previous post, I can respect Stephenie Meyer for writing this book series and publishing it. I know getting your work published is a feat that's hard to achieve, and as a writer, I respect her for that. I heard she was rejected 13 times before Twilight was accepted and published. I would have given up around the 6th time. She's a stronger person than I am.

What I can't respect, to put it bluntly, is her sins against the English language. For example, this sentence: "But it was sure to be awkward with Charlie. Neither of us was what anyone would call verbose, and I didn't know what there was to say regardless.".

Number one, the sentence, "But it was sure to be awkward with Charlie." is a fragment. I believe there is still an old rule that you shouldn't start a sentence with "but", since there is no relationship established and it makes the sentence seem staggered. There are many other ways she could have written this same sentence without using "but" at the beginning.

Number two, "verbose" is not a synonym for talkative. Verbose is, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1 : containing more words than necessary : wordy <a verbose reply>; also : impaired by wordiness <a verbose style>
2 : given to wordiness <a verbose orator>
synonyms see wordy.

Talkative is, also defined by Merriam-Webster, given to talking; also : full of talk.

In other words, verbose is being too wordy, like what Meyer is doing with her use of the word; she's using the word because it sounds nice, not because she actually knows the meaning of it.

(Personally, I'm all for the idea of mailing Stephenie Meyer a thesaurus.)

What really butters my biscuit about the grammatical errors in the Twilight series, especially the first book, is that this woman says she was an English major. The way she writes, I honestly cannot tell. I thought that an English major would write a little better than that. Certainly, I thought that an English major would have known better. Meyer's writing style is mediocre, at best.

Now, I'm not perfect, nor am I an English major, but I just did a little research, and I hope I got at least some of this right. I may be taking this a bit too seriously though. :smile: If anything is wrong in this post, please, do not hesitate to bring it to my attention. It helps me learn and correct my mistakes.
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Old 12-02-2009
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As an addition to my previous post, I can respect Stephenie Meyer for writing this book series and publishing it. I know getting your work published is a feat that's hard to achieve, and as a writer, I respect her for that. I heard she was rejected 13 times before Twilight was accepted and published. I would have given up around the 6th time. She's a stronger person than I am.
Any normal person would have figured maybe they needed to review their manuscript again. I wish she came to that conclusion. Taking only six months to write and publish a 400 page novel is cutting corners, in my book. There are so many things she should have cut out, and if she had any sense, she would have.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by AllisonWalker View Post
Any normal person would have figured maybe they needed to review their manuscript again. I wish she came to that conclusion. Taking only six months to write and publish a 400 page novel is cutting corners, in my book. There are so many things she should have cut out, and if she had any sense, she would have.
Twilight is absolutely rushed. That's probably why it was rejected so much. I would have gotten that note after the 2nd or 3rd time I got rejected. She wasn't too smart on that one.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by Baby Panda View Post
Twilight is absolutely rushed. That's probably why it was rejected so much. I would have gotten that note after the 2nd or 3rd time I got rejected. She wasn't too smart on that one.
Do you know how many times good writers get rejected, though?

Publishing companies would just reject you. If you're a new author and they don't believe that they can sell your book, then they won't publish it. It's a lot harder to publish something, even if it's good, than a lot of people think.
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Old 12-03-2009
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If the vampires were more normal and she changed the ending to Edward accidentally killing her while she slept and consequently committed suicide, or something, then I'd definitely be able to look back on the series and think more highly of it, but... the ending she decided to use was the absolute worst-case scenario, which basically sets in stone the fact that her definition of good material is far different to the rest of the world.
I'm not going to say that I didn't enjoy reading the books - I did very much, at the time. Then I re-read Harry Potter and came to the conclusion that the hype had maybe gotten to me. Then the movie came out and I decided that I didn't want much/anything to do with it anymore.

Last edited by Ohara; 12-03-2009 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by MrsSallyBakura View Post
Do you know how many times good writers get rejected, though?

Publishing companies would just reject you. If you're a new author and they don't believe that they can sell your book, then they won't publish it. It's a lot harder to publish something, even if it's good, than a lot of people think.
I'm pretty sure that authors get rejected plenty of times. I wouldn't know from experience, because I haven't tried to publish anything, and I probably give up easier than others. I'm sure it's hard to publish a book. I respect Stephenie Meyer for getting it published and all, but I just don't see the greatness and glitter (pun intended) behind the series.
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Old 12-03-2009
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"But it was sure to be awkward with Charlie." is a fragment. I believe there is still an old rule that you shouldn't start a sentence with "but", since there is no relationship established and it makes the sentence seem staggered. There are many other ways she could have written this same sentence without using "but" at the beginning.
I agree with you totally except with this.^ I know that Stephanie Meyer is a bad writer stylistically, but nonetheless writers of fiction are allowed to take creative license with language to get their point across. There are many good writers who have employed fragments in their work effectively.
Also, while technically the "but" rule still applies, in my college english class, my teacher encouraged us to start sentences with it anyway, saying that it was the same sort of format as "yet" at the beginning of a sentence. Another of my teachers said something similar. Therefore, I think that that rule is on its way out if it is debunked in academia itself.

Last edited by musigal; 12-03-2009 at 02:27 AM.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by musigal View Post
I agree with you totally except with this.^ I know that Stephanie Meyer is a bad writer stylistically, but nonetheless writers of fiction are allowed to take creative license with language to get their point across. There are many good writers who have employed fragments in their work effectively.
Also, while technically the "but" rule still applies, in my college english class, my teacher encouraged us to start sentences with it anyway, saying that it was the same sort of format as "yet" at the beginning of a sentence. Another of my teachers said something similar. Therefore, I think that that rule is on its way out if it is debunked in academia itself.
For some reason, my English professors are still telling their classes not to do that "but" thing, and I just learned it that way. It just stuck. That's probably why I pointed that out.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by MrsSallyBakura View Post
Do you know how many times good writers get rejected, though?

Publishing companies would just reject you. If you're a new author and they don't believe that they can sell your book, then they won't publish it. It's a lot harder to publish something, even if it's good, than a lot of people think.
This ^^^^^^^

Originally Posted by musigal View Post
I agree with you totally except with this.^ I know that Stephanie Meyer is a bad writer stylistically, but nonetheless writers of fiction are allowed to take creative license with language to get their point across. There are many good writers who have employed fragments in their work effectively.
Also, while technically the "but" rule still applies, in my college English class, my teacher encouraged us to start sentences with it anyway, saying that it was the same sort of format as "yet" at the beginning of a sentence. Another of my teachers said something similar. Therefore, I think that that rule is on its way out if it is debunked in academia itself.
Well, what you have to remember about the English Language, especially in a grammatical sense, is that, it was never intended to be a 1 structure language (this is meanly, as it is made from about 4 other languages) and so for every rule we made, we divergence it with at lest 3 exceptions, normally
=In the case of the But Rule, well generally it shouldn't be used at start of a sentence in same way as And/Or, but there are exceptions to this, such as here, from what I can tell, Bella is speaking, in some form and therefore, the rules are not classed as strict, because the way we speak and think is very different from way we write and is also lot more fragmented, this means, that you can start a sentence of speech with a but, as long as it fulfilling several requirements, such as an interjection to a previous sentence
=Still, doesn't meant she couldn't have put it better
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by Fat1Fared View Post
This ^^^^^^^

Well, what you have to remember about the English Language, especially in a grammatical sense, is that, it was never intended to be a 1 structure language (this is meanly, as it is made from about 4 other languages) and so for every rule we made, we divergence it with at lest 3 exceptions, normally
=In the case of the But Rule, well generally it shouldn't be used at start of a sentence in same way as And/Or, but there are exceptions to this, such as here, from what I can tell, Bella is speaking, in some form and therefore, the rules are not classed as strict, because the way we speak and think is very different from way we write and is also lot more fragmented, this means, that you can start a sentence of speech with a but, as long as it fulfilling several requirements, such as an interjection to a previous sentence
=Still, doesn't meant she couldn't have put it better
Of course she could have put it better, she could have put it in a fire "BA DUM TISH"
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by Baby Panda View Post
For some reason, my English professors are still telling their classes not to do that "but" thing, and I just learned it that way. It just stuck. That's probably why I pointed that out.
yeah I know.

there's still the it being fiction thing though. artistic license crap and all

for every rule we made, we divergence it with at lest 3 exceptions, normally
^lol so very true

Last edited by musigal; 12-03-2009 at 10:06 AM.
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Old 12-03-2009
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Originally Posted by musigal View Post
I agree with you totally except with this.^ I know that Stephanie Meyer is a bad writer stylistically, but nonetheless writers of fiction are allowed to take creative license with language to get their point across. There are many good writers who have employed fragments in their work effectively.
Also, while technically the "but" rule still applies, in my college english class, my teacher encouraged us to start sentences with it anyway, saying that it was the same sort of format as "yet" at the beginning of a sentence. Another of my teachers said something similar. Therefore, I think that that rule is on its way out if it is debunked in academia itself.
I think the major problem with this is that while there are errors, and everyone has errors, Twilight fangirls tend to think that it's still the best thing that every was.

If every person makes mistakes (A), and Meyer is a person (B), then Meyer makes mistakes (A=B). This is basically true. She makes mistakes. She's human. It's pretending that those mistakes are perfectly fine that's bullshit. Now, if A=B, think about this:

If every person makes mistakes (A), and (Non-twilight fans think that) mistakes make the work horrible (C), then every person puts together horrible works. Judging from non-twilight fans, A=C.

Now, if A=B, and A=C, then B=C. Therefore, horrible mistakes make you human.

Therefore, Meyer has to admit that she's a human being.

Now, while this is true, it also means she must admit that she makes horrible mistakes, which she just won't do. She's more likely to justify shit by calling it chocolate instead of just admitting that not 100% of what she writes is any good. Or, even if she does admit that not everything she writes is good, she won't admit the proportionate amount that is actually bad and written in direct contrast of the grammatical rules, and style, of the English language.

I believe that Stephanie Meyer is an arrogant person, which explains why Fared is likely to defend her.

A=Fared is arrogant.
B=Meyer is arrogant.
C=Therefore, Fared is Meyer.

Everyone, direct your flame guns toward Fared. My logic is as sound as the logic of those that believe Twilight is great, which is:

A=Twilight is great.

I have caught you in my web of this deadly game of checkers. Checkmate.
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Old 12-03-2009
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lol logical fallacy.

the sad thing is that some people don't see what's wrong with that
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Old 12-04-2009
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500 GET

Sorry bout that. Continue on your Twilight bashing/fangirl bashing/fangirl loving rants.
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Old 12-07-2009
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Bella:....edward....fuck me..... can't
Bella: uhh why am i not good enough for you?
Edward:no its not that its just i....
Edward:well vampires dont have blood therefore i cant never get a erection leading to the fact that i cannot have sex.
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Old 12-07-2009
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Originally Posted by metroid119 View Post
Edward:well vampires dont have blood therefore i cant never get a erection leading to the fact that i cannot have sex.
Not that you care, but do you know what happens in the last book?
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Old 12-07-2009
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stephanie meyer makes a believer out of all vampire virgins everywhere?
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Old 12-07-2009
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Originally Posted by metroid119 View Post
stephanie meyer makes a believer out of all vampire virgins everywhere?
Not even close.

Your joke is invalid.
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Old 12-07-2009
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Old 12-07-2009
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Old 12-07-2009
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Originally Posted by metroid119 View Post
So many people bash Twilight that you have to be really creative with your jokes and know the series well if you want to be funny or make a valid point.
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Old 12-07-2009
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i guess you can say they can have oral sex....if edward biting into bella's uterus counts
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Old 12-07-2009
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Originally Posted by metroid119 View Post
i guess you can say they can have oral sex....if edward biting into bella's uterus counts
Stephenie Meyer has a really drawn-out explanation of how Edward can get Bella pregnant.

Like, it's ridiculous. The whole thing.
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Old 12-07-2009
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i look forward to never reading it....... for i have seen the destruction it has done to others...i actually think i saw a baby burst into flames just because he was too close to someone reading the sex scene....
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