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Old 12-28-2008
KuramaStrassCullen's Avatar
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Okay, how about "How to Write a Bestseller Just Like Eragon:"?
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Old 12-28-2008
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You really can do these for just about any bestseller, can't you?

Everyone always has something stupid to gripe about when it comes to famous stuff...

Of course, there are legit reasons to not like Twilight and Eragon and whatnot, but I don't think they're worth making a big deal about. If they really are just fads, they'll disappear into history.
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Old 12-29-2008
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Yeah... that's true. And one day I'm going to write a book and people and going to have the same arguments...
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Old 12-29-2008
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no just bestsellers based on crap
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Old 12-29-2008
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No, anything.

Trust me.

There will ALWAYS be someone who hates something. Even if the vast majority think it's super fantastic perfect. There will ALWAYS be someone who thinks it's crap, therefore can go into detail as to why they think it's crap.
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Old 01-02-2009
n00blet4781 n00blet4781 is offline
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youre definitly right.
SOMEONE will always hate a popular book. Generally speaking, twilight is read by girls.
Guys do not like it because all it is is description of "hawt guyz" and that is kind of . . . adjective-porn.
sorry, i hate Twilight, but don't get me wrong. I love books in general, just not this one.
(and i hope eragon, HP, and twilight fade into history...)
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Old 01-02-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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Great, we get it. Some people don't like Twilight. Unfortunately for you, you can't do anything about it. Sure it SEEMS like you're getting your point across, but so what? Does anyone care? All you're doing is showing how cynical you are for deciding to take an amateur piece of writing and criticizing it at masterpiece standards! It's her first book, and she never took any writing classes. For a first try, she got a fanbase of millions and a life she could never have dreamed of. Until you've written a book series that is loved by millions, translated into dozens of languages, has been turned into a movie, and has won its author praise across the globe, I don't think you have any right to criticize her work.
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Old 01-02-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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I completely agree with you! Think of one book series that's fairly popular and google its name plus the word "stinks" (or "sucks" or any other adjective you prefer.) GUARANTEED you will find some group of people who hate it. Unfortunately for US, we're stuck with the loudest group XP.
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Old 01-02-2009
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Sally you are right everything will have someone to hate it and the more popular it is, the more that will hate it. This is for 2 reasons:

1=More poeple know of it

2=Some Poeple hate liking popular things,

however this posts makes very fair points and to be fair, many of the most popular books are popular because they are badly writen, put together in silly way, have stupid ideas and storylines and are very easy to read, meaning more poeple will find them accessible. I know I sound like a snob, but just being honest here.

There are few exceptions to the rule, like Terry Pratchett (who though, I am not a fan of personally, still see as very good writer) however they are merely the exceptions which prove the rule, rather than break it.

C4P, if you put something on public level, going to get high critism, part of the packet.
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Old 01-03-2009
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Here here! =D

Even if there are flaws in the series, I agree that she must have done something right in writing it. If it's truly a fad it will fade away in time and it'll be all set.

@Fat1Fared: I know we have very different opinions on Harry Potter, but I just want to say that while Harry Potter is a fad, I think you can dig yourself deep enough into it to call it good children's literature. Many of the stories are based on mythology and religion and you can really study it in a literature class. You don't have to enjoy the books, in fact you may think that the characters were completely predictable or whatever, but just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean that it can't qualify as good literature. There's plenty of stuff that I read in literature class that I didn't like, in fact some of it I really hated, but I could still qualify it as literature worth thinking about.
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Old 01-03-2009
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never said anything about mr Harry Potter, my point is the easier a book is to read, the more who will read it, meaning the poeple who like the more (hmmmmm how to put it) classic ones of something, will hate the (hmmm) low grade, mass made ones, (cannot wait for my mass hanging for that comment and yes know you like books so are a nice little black mark on my theory)

PS, This is not just for books, but anything, I am not a big music fan, so only really know big songs, which my sister who is a major music fan hates because they are big, same thing, just different setting.
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Old 01-03-2009
Lordofthedance Lordofthedance is offline
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while people are talking about Eragon, I was a huge fan until I read the latest book...biggest waste of time in my life. for those of you interested in reading it but haven't gotten around to it, let me give you some advice: save yourself a lot of time and just read the last ten or so pages. nothing happens until then.
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Old 01-04-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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So true! I read Eragon in like 5 days, Eldest in 2, and Brisingr took me 3 weeks! Nothing caught my attention and kept me interested! I don't even remember half of what happened in there.
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Old 01-04-2009
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im not going to bother to read twilight because

A) its just a fad

B) vampires, really? couldn't you be a little more creative?

C) I got enough of emo boys with magical powers when i read harry potter
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Old 01-04-2009
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On the contrary, I find Harry Potter very difficult to read... Yes, I did read the entire series. I thought it was hard to read, and confusing, and it gave me a headache most of the time. That goes for EVERY SINGLE BOOK IN THE SERIES. Now, the first four weren't bad, but about halfway through the fifth one, I said to myself, "WHY am I reading this again?" I liked up through three, definitely. Four was okay. Five was okay, too, but I REALLY liked Sirius Black, so I was super-upset when he died. Six? I cried when Dumbledore died, and it was kinda interesting, okay, but the whole time I was reading it I was only half-awake. (I got it at a midnight party and started reading at about 1 AM, and finished at about 7:30.) Seven? Liked it, too... until the last about ten pages. And the epilogue just plain SUCKED. I was satisfied with the ending, and I could have lived with it. But then I read the epilogue, and I almost went into SHOCK because it sucked so bad.

Anyway, I'm rambling. The point is that I don't think Harry Potter is very easy to read.

Want a book that's good and easy to read? Try "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Asher. Just a suggestion.
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Old 01-04-2009
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Well to many poeples amazment, i like the Eragon set, why'll it has its problems, it has a pretty good storyline (all be it, a stolen one) and dragons, (who does not like Dragons lol,) but agree Brisingor seemed like a boring plot filler, which has probably just been added to the set for money reasons.

Caps, I dislike Twilight, but those are harsh reasons, (and that is coming from me) I dislike it because the main Characters wind me up, it is love story, and made for girls. That means I hate it when a book is made just for boys or girl, not because it is for girls, which means I cannot like it.

Your reason A is just a prime example of what I was saying (Thank You)

B, well i'm not a big vampire book lover, but my mate loves them, so i normally nick few of his and why'll some are trash, does not mean all are,

C, And as for this one, well cannot believe I am going to do this, but must defend Harry potter and ask, which characters are emo's?

I mean even old Vol is not cutting hmself and listerning to bad music in them

If you had said Neon Genesis Evangelion or Elves of Cretia could see what your saying but Harry Potter

Kurama, rather than write whole new page, I will just add to this one, if you find Harry Potter hard, don't bother with Malazan Book of Fallen series or Dark Towers set and never go for English Legal Method (not that you will, but still never believed I would find a 300 page book, which took me 3 weeks to read lol)

However think you mis-understood me (don't worry, it is not hard, I lose myself at times) I was not saying a book needs to be hard to read to be good, just her choice of words and writing style is very simple and at times very poor.
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Old 01-04-2009
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man you guys are so Anal retentive
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Old 01-04-2009
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And you like to make yourself sound smart by using a Big Scientific buzz words and just so you know, I am actually phallic <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>

Which is arrogant, selfish, love my own voice, self obsessed and know that I am not the best, but have also realised that no one else is as good as me
<img src='/images/emoticons/smiley1.png'>
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Old 01-04-2009
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you are the future of our world <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley1.png'>
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Old 01-05-2009
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well my plans for a new world order are well under way, but thats not point and before you say it, I know what you really mean is that this is what all poeple are going to be like (apart from you though) <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley1.png'>

But in truth I am just your normal human, with one difference, I am smart enough to realise it <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>

Though I think you missed the point behind my joke, you used one of Freuds trapping stages to make a joke out of us. But it is where poeple can get stuck as a child and this has a profound effect on their adult personality, when in Psy class we all took the test to see which we where, I came out as Phallic (which if remember rightly is stage 4 out of 6, not bad if think most get lost in stages 2 and 3) and so I destroyed your joke by proving it wrong.

I hate when people mis-understand me, as jokes are not funny when have to explain them <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley6.png'>
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Old 01-05-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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Okay, back to Twilight. I have one more reason why whoever started this chat is a total moron. That section about how Twilight used too many words actually makes you seem like a complete prat. Many books geared towards teenagers use larger words to help expand their vocabulary. There are even some mangas that use S.A.T. level vocabulary to help high school seniors. By the final round of editing, Stephenie must have realized that her book would be for teenagers, so decided to add a few words that make you sound smart when you use them.
Also, Fat1fared, this book was not written FOR girls. Bella just connects with more girls IN AMERICA (oh yes, I went there.) then boys. However, in Europe, where many guys do things that boys here would be ridiculed for doing (example, reading Twilight), Twilight is popular with just as many boys as girls. Basically America is one of the last few countries that keep men and women doing completely different things.
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Old 01-05-2009
Lordofthedance Lordofthedance is offline
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I enjoyed the harry potter series a lot actually. I especially enjoyed the first four books. after that though, they stopped feeling like the harry potter series. I don't know if it was the darker turn it took or what, but it didn't feeel the same. I found the fifth one boring, and the seventh one painfully boring with a horrible epilogue that should go down as the worst ending to a book in history. however, for whatever reason I liked the sixth one.
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Old 01-06-2009
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C4P, i'm from england mate, so think i am little closer to Europe than you may have realised and trust me the whole european man being far less Ego-Male is way over stated, yes there actions/culture is different too yours and even mine, but they are not that much more feminine, mate and whole thing of them being poets and flower makers is just another stereotype. Plus sounds like you are thinking of western Europe like France, But trust me go to Poland and Slovakia.....etc if a man was ever seen reading a book like twilight he would be a laughed at, though that would be because it is such a bad vampire book. (only winding you up with last comment)

But to be truthful, though you may have found boys who like it, that means nothing, the book was clearly written for girls in same way most of the Blake series where written for boys. Both writers knew who there target readers where and went with it.

And though you may like Twilight, this page made some very good points about it and books in general, to call its poster a moron is wrong, as that could mean I could you a moron with same strength for disagreeing with it.

Though i will agree with you on your point about the critism of word use, as I think she was just trying to add little debonair to her books, but I can see what writer was putting, which was that, it seemed like she was trying too hard to make her book seem Intellectual and à la mode, as a way to hide is Inadequately’s. (kind of what i did with this sentence)
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Old 01-06-2009
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i hope you know that paragraph made you sound retarded.
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Old 01-06-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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All right, I concede. I'm just saying what I read on Stephenie's website.
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Old 01-07-2009
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Well, I don't know if I'd completely trust that, as Stephenie isn't a European male...
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Old 01-07-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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Although she DID visit Europe on her Eclipse tour and saw just how many males came to signings.
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Old 01-07-2009
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Well with that reseach and Evidence, i'm Convinced <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley5.png'>
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Old 01-07-2009
c4ptj4c5p4rr0w c4ptj4c5p4rr0w is offline
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As I had no reason to think otherwise, I went with the first bit of information I heard. Now that you ARE telling me otherwise, I believe you. Satisfied?
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Old 01-07-2009
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sorry, i have a short fuse and a very sarcastic side to me, can't help it
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