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Old 05-20-2008
diamonddeath diamonddeath is offline
Gender: Unknown
Posts: 20

Well, I got a few episodes of the original series with subtitles, but I lost them anyway.

As for GX and 5D's, perhaps I can take over for LK. I can do the voices that LK can, but I still think LK parodies things funnier anyway. Maybe him and I can do a collaborative project when he reaches them, or perhaps even before then. If I do most of it, I would still like it if he did the voices of the returning characters, like Yugi (in the first episode), Pegasus, Kaiba, Yugi's Grandpa, etc. (Is that all?). He can give me some tips here and there, but I think that as long as LK is involved in some way, whether it's cameos or the whole thing, then it would still be amazing. What do you guys think?
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