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Old 07-23-2007
Mozeta Mozeta is offline
Posts: 39

Okay, I didn't exactly get in trouble, but it was funny...ish.

So earlier this year (about the times episode 19 came out), we watched "A Walk to Remember" in one of my classes. Do not ask me why, I do not know. Something about leadership and making a difference.

So it's near the end of the movie (spoilers, if you haven't seen the movie, but want to...) they get married, and then whatshername dies. Being VERY recently after I watched episode 19, I IMMEDIATELY think of Pegasus getting married, and his wife exploding xD. So what do most people do when they think of funny abridged quotes? CRACK UP!

While everyone else is watching the movie, listening to what whatshisname is saying about life or something (I wasn't listening), I am cracking up, because a girl died.
Being stared at is fun... when no one has any clue why you're laughing... okay it's not fun.
Fun times.
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