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Old 06-06-2008
bijoukaiba bijoukaiba is offline
Posts: 12

Battle City is just going to be so much fun, period.

One episode I'm looking forward to is the Lumis/Umbra vs. Yugi/Kaiba.

Several posts ago, someone made a comment about a "Falcon Punch" joke with Obelisk, and that could be pulled off here. On the note of Obelisk, the subs in YGO refer to him as the square pyramid or something along those lines, so I think it'd be funny to make a reference to that.

And maybe instead of the Shadow Realm, it could be called the 4Kids Realm since they created it.

And finally, the last note is that this episode really shows what a pitiful job 4Kids did with concealing death. They're REALLY dueling atop a 20-story building with a glass roof and when their Life Points run out, a bomb would shatter the glass and send them falling to their deaths, but instead- thanks to 4Kids!- a "portal to the Shadow Realm" would trap their souls.

And as for Lumis and Umbra's YGOTAS voices... well, they could sound like they did in the dub, or maybe LK could pull off Rocky & Bullwinkle or Yogi & Booboo voices. XD I think the R&B would work better, though...

*scene that shows people walking around in the building when Lumis explains the duel*
Random Person: I can see up their purple man-dresses!

Lumis: *explaining the Shadow Realm portal thing* ... so you won't actually die! You'll fall into the SHADOW (4KIDS) REALM!
Yami: Yeah, like I'd really believe that.

Umbra: *after losing his Life Points and falling* Oh noes!!! I better save my soul with this parachute!!
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