Thread: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
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Old 10-04-2015
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Judai Judai is offline
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Location: Duel Academia
Posts: 29

So, the last episode was kind of.. huh. SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 76 BELOW.

We have a new opening and it's awesome, we have some more Yuri in there, too. So we can expect to see more of him in the future - and I honestly appreciate that.
Sadly, half of the episode was recap, and we all know how useful recap is: Not. At. All.
The other half was actual plot. We've seen the executive council being useless as always and Reiji being badass.
But the most interesting part was Sora saving Dennis and sending him back to Academia. From what my broken Japanese tells me, Sora said something about that it's his mission to get Serena out of there. Seems good and sounds like action.
Next episode, we have Sergey vs. Yuzu. She's so not gonna make it.
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