Thread: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
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Old 10-03-2015
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Judai Judai is offline
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Posts: 29

4kids or whoever they are now will never learn, after what they did to GX I thought they'd learn but.. no.

- Well, they DID write Gongenzaka's dub name on his sash.. oh wait, that was the abridged series. x)
Yeah, when I heard of the dub name change for him, I was kinda.. disturbed, too. And what the hell, he's addressing himself in third person? Just what.

- I didn't know about the Susan Boyle reference but somehow, this just made it a gazillion times worse. Yeah, to me, "Zuzu" sounds kinda inappropriate, too. (And hey, so did "Adrian Gecko".. and Bastion Misawa.)

- So, I honestly realize I'm really glad to have no real knowledge about famous people because this prevents me from crying about the dub even more than I am right now. I didn't know there were THAT many references, but this explains the overall dislike for the dub even more (I always disliked it because story bits tended to get omitted and because people got "sent to the stars/the shadow realm").

- About Futoshi.. *listens into it quickly* Oh god. As a German, I am currently torn between shame and pain. Typical 4kids not thinking things through at all. But heeeey we have the abridged series.

- I didn't watch the ZEXAL dub but I know the phenomenon because of other series. So yeah, we do have good reasons to dislike the dub indeed. xD

*recommends everyone to watch the sub because we are 70 episodes ahead of the dub anyway*

About music, Azzy.. You're so right there. Just for this song, the japanese version is always better. <3
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